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Adding manually TLS certificates for your DNS Alias

If you choose to not use the Radix certificate service, which provides an automated procedure for aquiring and renewing your Equinor DigiCert certificate, you can also add the certificate manually.

Acquire an Equinor TLS certificate

This step is only required when useCertificateAutomation in dnsExternalAlias is omitted or set to false.

How to get it

  1. Start by getting familiar with the appropriate procedures about handling keys and certificates in Equinor, as they are considered to be sensitive information.
  2. Create a Certificate Signing Request on you local pc using the openssl command:
    # Step 1: Generate a private key
    openssl genrsa -out ./ 2048
    # Keep this file safe and out of version control. You will need it later.

    # Step 2: Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file using the private key
    openssl req -new -key ./ -out ./
  3. Store the private key in a safe location.
  4. Open the Services@Equinor portal and find the service Public SSL certificate.
  5. Request a SSL certificate and an intermediate certificate for your alias, and attach the CSR file you created in step 2:
    Title: Public SSL certificate with intermediate
    Certificate name:
  6. You will receive an email (within a day or two) containing the requested certificate and corresponding intermediate certificate. Store them together with the private key in a safe location.

Apply the certificate and private key to the external DNS alias

  1. In Radix Web Console, navigate to the environment and component referenced in dnsExternalAlias.
  2. Scroll down to External DNS and click on the alias. External DNS list pending
  3. Add the TLS certificate and intermediate certificate to the Certificate field, and the private key to the Private Key field. Make sure that the certificates are in correct order, as shown in the picture. Set certificate and private key
  4. Click the Save button to save. Radix will validate the certificate and the private key before applying them. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for a list of common validation errors and hints how they can be resolved.
  5. After successful save, the alias will change status to Consistent. Basic information about the certificate is available by clicking on the chevron next to the alias. External DNS list consistent


The most common validation errors are described below.

  • x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    The certificate is not signed by a trusted authority. You will see this error if the intermediate certificate is missing, or if you use a self signed certificate.

  • x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match
    The certificate is not valid for any domain names. This error is usually reported if you switch the order of the TLS certificate and the CA certificate.

  • x509: certificate is valid for, not
    The certificate is not valid for the selected alias.

  • x509: missing PEM block for certificate
    The Certificate value does not contain a CERTIFICATE PEM block.

  • tls: private key does not match public key
    The private key does not match certificate's public key. Use the correct private key.
    openssl can be used to test if a certificate and private key matches.

  • tls: failed to find PEM block with type ending in "PRIVATE KEY" in key input
    The Private Key value does not contain a PRIVATE KEY or RSA PRIVATE KEY PEM block.