What's new
Radix API and Radix CLI can be used to get and stop Radix scheduled batches and jobs.
Radix now supports two options for authentication to OAuth2 proxy for a Radix application component
- Client Secret, already existing
- Azure Workload Identity, available from now, authentication without need of Client secret.
Radix now supports two options for authentication to Azure Storage Account from a Radix application component
- Azure Storage Account Keys, already existing
- Azure Workload Identity, available from now, authentication without need of Azure Storage Account key
2024-12-20 Relaxed Memory limit rules
You can now have a higher memory limit than your requested limits. Beware that the memory abouve your requested amount might not be available and can lead to a Out Of Memory Exception that will terminate and restart your component.
2024-12-19 Advanced Health Checks
A new healthChecks
field is introduced to the components
and environmentConfig
section of your radixconfig.yaml
file. This allows for more fine grained rules that will tell Radix when your application is ready for smoother upgrades and rollouts of new versions, or when we upgrade or replace a node.
See more in the in the reference
2024-12-17 Controlling batch job failures using exit codes
We have added a new (optional) configuration option failurePolicy for jobs in radixconfig. This allows you to control how job failures should be counted towards the backofflimit for different exit codes, for example by using FailJob to prevent retries in case of a software bug or configuration error, or not incrementing the counter toward backoffLimit in case of transient errors like connection issues by using Ignore.
2024-11-12 Radix CLI and gitHub action updates
Radix CLI 1.24 and Radix github action v1 now support announced earlier ⬆️ :
- "apply-config" pipeline job with an option
true|false (by defaultfalse
) - "build-deploy" pipeline job with an option
in addition to mandatory--branch
2024-11-11 Changes to Radix pipeline jobs
The pipeline job "apply-config" can now optionally apply changes of External DNS aliases in the radixconfig without need to explicitly re-deploy connected environment (a new deployment willbe created though automatically) The pipeline job "build-deploy" can now optionally have selected environment, if a selected branch is used in more then one environment or a build.from template matches to multiple environments. Support in Radix cli and github action will follow soon.
2024-11-11 Some UI (Web Console) improvements
The sections events, environment variables, scheduled job and batches list now keep its last collapsed/expanded state in the browser local storage.
Scheduled batch page and its job has extended breadcrumb and properties
Please hit Ctrl+F5 (⌘-R) if changes are not seen in the web-console
2024-10-30 Components and pods events in the Radix console
In addition to app-environment events, Radix console now shows events on component page (component-related) and replica page (replica's component and replica itself related).
Just to remember - each event remains during only one hour.
2024-10-24 Update on Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server DNS resolution
Microsoft has reverted the temporary DNS configuration for PostgreSQL servers described in this post: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/postgresql/flexible-server/concepts-networking-private-link#private-link-and-dns
The new DNS configuration for PostgreSQL servers will only resolve to "server-name".privatelink.postgres.database.azure.com
if the server has a private endpoint.
This means to you are no longer required to use private links from Radix to PostgreSQL servers.
2024-10-14 Radix - new platform location
It is now an option to run your application in the West Europe data centre. This can be a good option if your data also is located in the same data centre. You will now find two platforms in the Radix, named Platform (North Europe)🇮🇪 and Platform 2 (West Europe)🇳🇱
2024-10-09 Public endpoint configuration options
We have added three setting to radixconfig for configuration of limits for public endpoints: proxyReadTimeout: Defines a timeout, in seconds, for reading a response from the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive read operations, not for the transmission of the whole response. Default is 60 seconds.
: Defines a timeout, in seconds, for transmitting a request to the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations, not for the transmission of the whole request: Defaults to 60 seconds.
: Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body. Default is 100M.
Setting proxyBodySize
to "0", or an unnecessary high value, can lead to instability/denial of service or increased cost, depending on how the request body is processed by the backend, e.g. when buffering to memory or storing the content to disk, either locally or remotely. Never set the value to "0" unless the backend component is configured to enforce a limit.
2024-09-27 Add service principals to the application's administrators/readers list in Radix Web Console
You can now add service principals (App Registration or Managed Identity) to the Administrators or Readers list in the application configuration page. You no longer have to go via a group.
The drop-down will search for groups and service principals when you start typing. Groups and service principals are grouped in the result list, showing groups first and service principals last. See attached screen recording.
2024-09-27 Restrict access to public components by IP address or CIDR
You can restrict access to the public endpoints for a component by configuring a list of IP addresses or CIDRs in the network.ingress.public.allow
field in radixconfig.
When this field is set, only IP addresses matching items in the list can access the public endpoints for the component. Unauthorized IP addresses will receive a 403 response.
The component page in Radix Web Console will show information when IP filtering is active, or if all IPs are allowed.
2024-09-18 Fix for docker.io rate limit during build
This fix will resolve docker.io rate limit errors during the build step for applications using useBuildKit.
If your Dockerfile uses images from docker.io in the FROM instruction, Radix will pull the image as an authenticated used instead of as anonymous. This increases the rate limit to 5000 pulls per day, instead of 100 per 6 hours.
If you have configured credentials for docker.io in radixconfig (privateImageHubs), these will be used instead.
2024-09-17 Manual Component Scaling
A new Scaling feature has been added to Radix Web Console and to RX, while also supports overriding any automatic scaling. Any manually scaled components (even scaled to 0, ie. Stopped) will retain the custom scaled untill its been reset, even across new deployments.
Start component has now been deprecated and should be replaced with reset-scale (both in the radix-api and in rx cli, and will be removed after August 2025).
2024-07-10 Custom batch status in Radix scheduled jobs
Radix now supports an optional custom rules defining a batch status by batch job statuses. If rules are not set or none of them matching, the base (previously defined) rules are applied.
2024-06-06 Support for advanced horizontal scaling (KEDA)
We have released initial support for KEDA Triggers, to enable scaling of pods based on messages in a Azure Service Bus, or based on a CRON Schedule, as well as resource metrics as before (CPU/Memory). If you are using a non-resource trigger, we also support scaling to 0 replicas! See radixconfig.yaml for more details.
We recommend scaling most environments to 0 when not in use, this will save on cost and the environment 🌳💸
- Scales to 0 at night
- Scales to minimum 1 at day time
- Scales up to maximum 5 at heavy load (the trigger with the highest number of target replicas will win)
maxReplicas: 5
minReplicas: 0
- name: cpu
value: 50
- name: cron
timezone: Europe/Oslo
start: 0 7 * * 1-5 # 07:00 Monday - Friday
end: 0 17 * * 1-5 # 17:00 Monday - Friday
desiredReplicas: 1
2024-06-04 Strict validation of RadixConfig.yaml in Radix CLI
(radix cli) and radix-github-action
have received upgraded validation. It will now check for misplaced/misspelled keys, and with even more checks than before!
2024-05-06 New option in radixconfig.yaml - sub-pipeline
radixconfig.yaml has new option subPipeline in build
and environments
properties. Currently it has variables (handovers from build.variables
and environments.variables
for sub-pipelines, backward compatible) and identity (also in environments).
When this subPipeline
's identity.azure.clientId
option is set, the environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_ID
with its value is automatically added to the running pipeline, and it can be used in this pipeline tasks. Read more about the identity in the component identity option and about using it in the sub-pipeline in the Pipeline with Azure workload identity example.
2024-04-19 New pipeline job type: apply-config
Sometimes radixconfig.yaml has properties, which does not require a re-deploy of components. The apply-config
pipeline workflow perform these changes without re-deploying components or jobs. Currently it apply changes in : DNS alias, build secrets, environments (create new or soft-delete existing environments).
It is available in Radix CLI 1.17.0 and in the Radix GitHub action.
2024-04-18 Extended scheduled job statuses
Radix recently got extended information in its console for scheduled jobs - more detailed info about job replicas, including failed ones.
Job API also provides extended status info (and extra field updated
and timestamp when the status was last updated). Job statuses includes statuses of one or several replicas.
New job status was added
(in addition to Waiting
, Stopping
, Stopped
, Running
, Successful
, Failed
, DeadlineExceeded
), which means that the job has a replica created, but it is not ready (reasons can be volume mount is not ready, or it is a problem to schedule replica on a node because not enough memory available, etc).
This extension is also included in Notifications
2024-04-16 Environment specific options now available on component level
In Radixconfig the properties monitoring, horizontalScaling and volumeMounts could only be set in environmentConfig . Now these properties is supported in radixconfig on component (and job) level (monitoring, horizontalScaling and volumeMounts), in environments they can be overridden/altered or new can be added. Configurations in existing applications are still valid, no changes required (if not needed).
2024-04-12 Read-only root filesystem
Containers should run with read-only root filesystem
In our Radix cluster a new security option has been enabled (but not enforced). However we encourage all teams to look into this and opt in for the configuration.
An immutable root filesystem prevents applications from writing to the local disk. This is desirable, in case of an intrusion from the attacker will not be able to tamper with the filesystem or write foreign executables to disk.
The container’s root filesystem should be treated as not usable. This prevents any writes to the container’s root filesystem at container runtime and enforces the principle of immutable infrastructure. Read about read-only filesystems in Kubernetes for more info.
Some options you can consider
- If you want to write it to a file, mount a volume instead.
- For temporary files or local caching, en emptyDir volume can be mounted with type Memory
- Any volume mounted into the container will have its own filesystem permissions
What about logs
If this is really about logs a better solution might be to reconfigure your application to send its logs to stdout
, typical log collectors know how to read the container logs.
A container crashing does not remove a Pod from a node. The data in an emptyDir volume is safe across container crashes.
Some uses for an emptyDir are:
- Scratch space, such as for a disk-based merge sort
- Checkpointing a long computation for recovery from crashes
- Holding files that a content-manager container fetches while a webserver container serves the data
2024-03-07 Environment specific image
, src , dockerfileName in radixconfig.yaml
So far a component could be built from for all environments from the same src
and dockerfileName
(or "." and "Dockerfile" by default), or it could be deployed with an image, specified in image
option (with possible altering by imageTagName
for environments).
Now these options can be different for individual environments of one component. Motivation was to allow building the component for one environment, but keep other environments being deployed from pre-built images (and vice-versa).
Please read more about environmentConfig
with src, dockerfileName and image.
2024-03-06 automatic issuance of Digicert (equinor.com) certificates
Managing SSL/TLS certificates can be a daunting task that requires a lot of manual effort. But now, with our new automated process, you can take the hassle out of issuing SSL/TLS certificates and let us handle it for you with ease.
With this feature, you can ensure that all your certificates are up-to-date and issued on time. Our system will automatically generate and renew certificates for you, so you’re always one step ahead.
More information regarding this feature can be found in the External Alias Guide
2024-03-04 Updated Radix documentation website
Radix documentation website has been migrated to the framework Docusaurus due to previously used VuePress is retired. We also rearranged some of menu items.
2024-01-25 Option "component" added to deploy-only pipeline job
One or several components can be specified for a deploy pipeline workflow with the new option component
for Radix CLI, Radix GitHub action and Radix API.
Custom DNS for your application - within radix.equinor.com
Radix now allows you to configure a custom FQDN in a form *abc*.radix.equinor.com
Multiple FQDNs can be defined in the radixconfig dnsAlias property (similar to dnsAppAlias, but with less limitations and without .app in FQDN) for any environment component with public port. A supporting certificate is issued automatically.
For the Playground cluster FQDN will be like abc.playground.radix.equinor.com
Configured FQDNs are shown in the Radix application and component web-console forms
2024-01-03 Sub-Pipeline can now use Workload Identity (Tekton)
We now support the use of Azure Workload Identity for Sub-Pipelines. With this release, a unique credential for each of your environments is provided, which will allow you to use Federated Credential wherever needed. Sub-Pipeline guide with Workload Identity
2024-01-02 New command available in Radix CLI
Runtime environment variable can be set or changed not only in the radixconfig
or Radix console, now also in the Radix CLI
rx set environment-variable --application your-app1 --environment your-env --component your-component1 --variable LOG_LEVEL --value DEBUG
Use with github action
- name: Set variable
uses: equinor/radix-github-actions@v1
args: >
set environment-variable
--application your-app1
--environment your-env
--component your-component1
--variable LOG_LEVEL
--value DEBUG
2023-12-05 Support for using images from private repositories
We have released support for using images from private repositories in the Dockerfile FROM
FROM myappacr.azurecr.io/myapp-base:latest
It requires useBuildKit: true
in the radixconfig.
2023-11-14 Only build changed components and jobs
pipeline jobs created from a Github webhook will only build changed components and jobs. The commit ID from the webhook is compared with the commit ID from the active deployment to generate a list of changed directories. This list is compared with the path of the Dockerfile for each component and job. The component/job is built if the Dockerfile path is equal to, or a parent of any changed directory.
2023-11-13 New version of Radix CLI
We have just released a new version of Radix CLI v1.12.1 with a validate radix-config
command. It checks radixconfig.yaml for structural and logical errors
Also available as a GitHub action step
- name: 'Validate RadixConfig file '
uses: equinor/radix-github-actions@v1
args: validate radix-config --print
2023-10-20 Commit ID option in deploy-only pipeline jobs
Radix CLI v1.10.0 and Radix GitHub action support an additional option commitID
in the command rx create pipeline-job deploy
. It is a 40 chars text field, which can have a reference to a GitHub commit-id, which will be shown in the Radix console, in the list of pipeline jobs and job details.
In Radix CLI and Radix GitHub action, an option job
is renamed to pipeline-job
for commands create job , get logs jobs -> rx create pipeline-job , rx get logs pipeline-jobs. The previous option job
well remain in these commands for backward compatibility. It is done to avoid confusion with "batch jobs", which are for job-components.
2023-10-18 Rerun failed or stopped pipeline jobs
If a pipeline job is failed or stopped, it can be rerun with a button in the Radix console - a new job is created with the same parameters and commit-id.
This can be particularly useful in case of job, failed due to timeout in accessing external services.
To reduce the error "TLS Handshake timeout" it has been mitigated in Radix pipeline logic now.
2023-10-09 Changes in Azure Blob volume-mounts
If your Radix application uses Azure Blob volume mount, radixconfig.yaml has a configuration of this volume mount, which has an optional property accessMode
. If the application need not only read, but also write to this Azure Blob container, please specify explicitly this property, we recommend for the read-write purpose to set it to ReadWriteMany
- name: volume-name
path: /path/in/container/to/mount/to
container: container-name
uid: 1000
accessMode: ReadWriteMany
2023-10-02 Radix now supports docker BuildKit in the pipeline
Radix application can be configured to be built with Docker BuildKit
Use an option useBuildKit: true
in the build radixconfig section.
There maybe be changes required in a dockerfile, particularly secrets will be passed with more secure way, repository name is needed in the FROM instruction. Read more in the guide
Grouped secrets in Radix Web Console
Secrets in Components have been redesigned, sorted and grouped, hopefully making them bearable to read through
2023-09-26 Improved log feature for jobs (job compnent) in Radix Web Console
Previously, logs for completed jobs (status: succeeded, failed or stopped) disappeared from the Radix Web Console after some time (hours, days). The reason for this behavior is usually caused by internal Kubernetes cleanup processes or when nodes in the cluster are scaled down.
We have added a new panel, Job Logs History, in the job detail page (similar to the Replica Logs panel for a component). This panel lists all runs/retries from the last 30 days for a specific job, sorted descending by start time, and the log for a specific run/retry can be downloaded by clicking on the download button.
The attached screenshot shows a job that has Backoff Limit set to 10 (will restart the job 10 times if exists with a non-zero error code). The job has failed 11 times (initial run + 10 retries). The Job Logs History lists all 11 runs. The log for a specific run can be downloaded by clicking on the download icon.
2023-09-19 Radix now runs all jobs in a separate node-pool
Because jobs often run a shorter period, then regular components, and may require larger amount of resources, Radix now runs any jobs (pipeline, scheduled) in their own Kubernetes node pool (a set of virtual machines), dedicated only for jobs. We expect it will reduce an impact on regular components (which runs normally permanently) and give more resources quickly available due to shorter run nature in most cases.
This node pool also has autoscaling.
2023-08-22 Updated Radix CLI and Radix GitHub actions
Radix CLI updated (v1.8.0)
- Authentication now uses MSAL library
- All commands return exit code 1 on error
- Usage description is not shown on command error
- Option
is set by default to true and is applicable only for the commandset environment-secret
, as it is applicable only too this command. - Added commands
get deployment
of an application in case you need to clean obsolete or not used images in own docker images repository
Radix github action updated
Now it has releases, with latest tested release v1 , which is recommended to use in GitHub actions, instead of master
Previous use example: equinor/radix-github-actions@master
Recommended use example:
- name: 'Deploy app'
uses: equinor/radix-github-actions@v1
args: >
create job
- With this v1 release it will get particular Radix CLI stable release instead of the latest one.
2023-08-15 Radix application reader role
A Radix application reader
role has been added to Radix. This role is a read-only role intended for users who need to view information about a Radix application, but should not be allowed to perform any actions such as starting or stopping components, or deleting the application.
Readers have the privilege to view logs associated with their replicas and jobs.
The role is an Azure AD group that can be assigned under Access control
in the Configuration page of the application.
2023-08-01 Restart batches and jobs with recent active deployment
In addition to restart job with original deployment, Radix now allows to restart scheduled single jobs, entire batch or individual jobs within the batch with latest active deployment (if it is different than for the restarting job). Read more
Scheduled jobs now can be run with imageTagName
, specified in radixconfig and altered in JobDescription
"payload": "abc",
"imageTagName": "1.0.0"
2023-07-13 Restart scheduled batches and jobs
Radix now allows to restart scheduled single jobs, entire batch or individual jobs within the batch - completed, failed, stopped or running. Technically it deletes the corresponding Kubernetes job and starts new instead, with the same deployment, job-description and payload. Use-case - restart jobs, failed due to temporary issues, lack of memory, unavailable external data or api.
2023-07-05 Change in Azure Blob volume-mounts option
If your Radix application uses Azure Blob volume mount, radixconfig.yaml it is recommended to replace its configuration with BlobFuse2:
- name: storage1
path: /app/image-storage
protocol: fuse2
container: blobfusevolume
uid: 1700
2023-05-16 Support for custom CPU scaling threshold and autoscaling on memory
Autoscaling has only been supported on CPU, with a hardcoded threshold of 80% utilization. Now the CPU threshold is configurable, and you can also configure autoscaling on memory. This can be enabled in radixconfig.yaml.
The resources
block is deprecated and replaced by more flexible triggers
, see radixconfig.yaml for more details.
- name: backend
- environment: prod
averageUtilization: 75
averageUtilization: 85
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 6
2023-05-24 Old Replica logs! Get your old Replica logs here!
Is one of your replicas crashing? Have you ever wondered what the last signs of life were before it dramatically had its last breath of digital air?
Well wonder no more!
You can now download the logs of a components previous replicas, or even individual replica containers.
This feature can be found on any of your Component Pages in the Radix Web Console, just below the Replica table.
2023-05-02 Radix does not allow to run Sub-Pipeline task steps with root users
Radix cluster policy does not allow to run containers with root user. Sub-pipelines are also not allowed to run its task steps with root users. Please use rootless docker images or use step spec option runAsUser. E.g. runAsUser: 1000
- image: alpine
name: step1
script: |
#!/usr/bin/env sh
runAsUser: 1000
2023-04-14 Radix supports Azure Workload Identity for Azure Key Vaults
Radix now supports two options for authentication to Azure Key Vault from a Radix application component
- Azure Service Principal Client ID and Client Secret , already existing
- Azure Workload Identity , available from now, authentication without need of Azure Service Principal's Client ID and Client Secret
2023-04-12 Radix application configuration - Admin AD group is now mandatory
Admin AD group can be set in Web console => Configuration => “Change administrator”.
2023-03-28 New version of Radix CLI version 1.7
More details in the Radix documentation or with built-in help
rx scale --help
rx get logs component --help
rx create pipeline-job deploy --help
2023-03-14 Radix updates
- Job component configuration has an option
- it is a Radix application's component URL, which will be called on status changes of running batches and jobs. - Scheduled Batches and Scheduled Jobs were renamed in the Radix console to Batches and Jobs. Job Scheduler was also renamed to Job Manager. It is to simplify terminology.
- We added basic overview information for Radix CLI.
- A new property
for jobs defines the number of times a job will be restarted if it exists in error. This value can be configured in radixconfig.yaml or when creating a new job or batch . ThebackoffLimit
for a specific job, and the number of times a job has failed is available in the job detail page in Radix Web Console.
2023-03-07 Schema for radixconfig.yaml
We have released the OpenAPI 3.0 Schema (an extended subset of JSON Schema) for the radixconfig.yaml file.
This schema can be used in code editors (e.g. VS Code and Jetbrains IDEs) to provide auto-completion and validation when working with radixconfig.yaml
, see radixconfig schema
2023-02-28 Radix Web Console: Stop a regular job and batched jobs
A brand new button has been added to allow users to easily stop a job or a batch.
The Payload
button (Scheduled Jobs
only) has been moved inside an elipsis menu together with the new Stop
button for convenience.
2023-02-24 Option to pass $GITHUB_TOKEN to the Radix GH Action
The Radix Github Action is used by many Radixians to execute rx CLI commands in workflows. We have seen cases where workflows fail because the Radix Action fails to download the rx CLI because of GitHub API rate limits. To remedy this, we have patched the Action with an optional argument github-token, where you can supply your workflow's GITHUB_TOKEN secret. This effectively increases the hourly API request limit from 60 to 15,000.
- name: list-apps
uses: equinor/radix-github-actions@v1
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
args: >
2023-02-16 Radix Web Console: Start, Stop and Restart environments
- Git Tags are now visible on the Environment Summary Cards.
- Buttons to start, stop and restart an envrionment has been added.
2023-01-31 Radix Playground lifecycle policy
We will now implement a stricter lifecycle policy for using Radix Playground.
Any application which has not been
a - deployed - or
b - restarted
in the last 7 days will be stopped.
After further 21 days of inactivity, all stopped applications will be deleted.
2023-01-23 Radix Web Console: Shown replica resources and scheduled job resources and settings
Radix now provides Request and Limit resources for component replicas and scheduled jobs. For scheduled jobs it is also shown Time Limit and Backoff Limit (later will be soon configurable)
2023-01-18 Custom branch name for wildcard branch mapping
Radix now provides a text input field to put a full branch name for a build environment with wildcard branch mappings
2023-01-17 Machine user tokens deprecated
Machine user tokens pose a security risk due to lack of expiration time.
Kubernetes underlying functionality used by machine user tokens has been removed in newer versions.
Applications that currently use machine user tokens in their external CICD pipelines must switch to using Azure service principals (Azure AD app registrations or user-assigned managed identities).
2023-01-10 Federated Credentials with Azure AD Application and Managed Identity
We have enabled support for federated credentials between applications running in Radix and Azure AD applications and Azure Managed Identities. Workload identities in Radix
2022-11-10 Configuration Item replaces WBS and owner and is now mandatory
The Owner
and WBS
fields has been removed and is replaced by Configuration Item
which refers to an IT application in ServiceNow.
When registering a new application in Radix, you will have to select a Configuration Item
from the drop-down list. The drop-down will automatically query ServiceNow when you start typing.
To see more information regarding the selected Configuration Item
, click the info
icon on the right in the drop-down.
Existing applications should be updated with a Configuration Item
in the Application Configuration page.
For the Playground cluster a Configuration Item is not mandatory.
2022-11-01 Enable and/or Disable components
Components in the Radix application now can be enabled and disabled for any and all environments.
This can be configured in radixconfig.yaml.
- name: backend
- environment: prod
enabled: false
- name: backend
enabled: false
- environment: prod
enabled: true
2022-11-01 External DNS certificate and key validation
You can now view information about TLS certificates for external DNS aliases in Radix Web Console.
2022-10-13 Supporting monorepo and custom radixconfig names
Radix now supports multiple Radix applications in the same GitHub repository - monorepo strategy.
It is now possible to use custom Radix configuration filenames (aka radixconfig.yaml) and/or its location in the GitHub repository.
Please read more in the monorepo guideline
2022-10-12 Radix CLI version v1.2.1
A new command have been added.
Use version
to print current version of the rx
2022-09-23 Improvements in Radix Web Console
Ensure you have assigned permissions to your app's configuration, now you are able to grant the permission using the name of an AD group. At the same time add your applications to the list of favourites, only favourites will have the application status available on the Web Console front page.
Check out your vulnerability scan results: Are you using OAUTH feature? You may want to switch to Radix OAUTH service, we are updating the images (dependencies) regularly
2022-09-20 Radix CLI version v1.2.0
Radix CLI 1.2.0 has new commands added such as start
, stop
and restart
for a specific component, environment or an entire application.
rx start component -a <application-name> -e <environment-name> -n <component-name>
rx stop environment -a <application-name> -e <environment-name>
rx restart application -a <application-name>
2022-09-20 Azure key vault secret autorotation
Radix now offers the Azure Key Vault autorotation feature.
2022-09-01 Vulnerability scan removed from build pipeline
The Vulnerability Scan
step has been removed from the build-deploy
pipeline. It has been replaced by a scheduled scan (daily and after new deployment) that scans images for all components, not only those built by Radix. Aggregated scan results are shown in environment pages, and details in the component page.
2022-09-01 Select Radix Application Administrator Group by name
A new feature in Radix Web Console simplifies the configuration of application administrators. You can now select AD Groups in a drop-down list instead of entering a comma-separated list of ids. The drop-down list is populated as you type after two characters are entered.
2022-08-16 GIT Metadata updates
- Two new default build-time environment variables,
has up until now been injected into pods if pipeline job was triggered via GitHub webhook. This variable is now also inferred from HEAD of the build branch for build-deploy jobs which are not triggered via the GitHub webhook.$RADIX_GIT_COMMIT_HASH
is inherited from source deployments after promote pipeline.- New default pod environment variable
, containing a whitespace separated list of git tags which refer to$RADIX_GIT_COMMIT_HASH
, if present. - UI for creating promote pipeline jobs displays the build commit and git tags of source deployments, if present on the source deployment.
- The overview page for Environment now has a GitHub link to the source code commit from which the active deployment was built, if applicable. GitHub links to tags are also present, if applicable.
- The overview page for Deployment also has GitHub links to commit and tags, if applicable.
2022-08-10 Azure Key Vault values version
Radix Web Console can show version of Azure Key Vault values used in a Radix application component (if applicable) - which pod uses which version. Click the link of the Azure Key Vault secret, certificate or key to open a popup with this info. Statuses also reflect actual state, not just External
2022-08-10 Pipeline information for favourite appliactions in Radix Web Console
Radix Web Console now shows the last pipeline job status badge only for applications which are your favourites.
2022-06-28 Log lines limit
The Radix component log size have been limited to only display the last 1000 lines to reduce browser resources usage.
Copy log to clipboard has also been limited to the last 1000 lines.
The Download button will return the entire log.
2022-06-20 Change in Azure Blob volume-mounts accessMode
If your Radix application uses Azure Blob volume mount, radixconfig.yaml has a configuration of this volume mount, which has an optional property accessMode
. If the application need not only read, but also write to this Azure Blob container, please specify explicitly this property.
For read-write
acces, we recommend to set it to ReadWriteMany
- type: azure-blob
name: storage1
storage: blobfusevolume
path: /app/image-storage
gid: 1700
accessMode: ReadWriteMany
Radix will soon get an update to set Blob volumes accessMode
as ReadOnlyMany
by default, when accessMode
is not specified explicitly in the radixconfig.yaml. If a Radix application needs a read-only access to the Azure blob volume mount, please specify it explicitly
accessMode: ReadOnlyMany
2022-06-20 Introducing sub-pipeline concept (Tekton)
This is an optional, configurable build step that is run before deployment. A typical use case for sub-pipeline is to perform a database update/migration immediately before deployment
2022-06-20 Improved performance of the Radix Operator
Various improvements have been made to optimize the Radix Operator
2022-05-30 Scheduled vulnerability scan implemented
Up until now all deployments to Radix was scanned by Snyk and the result was reported in the deploy pipeline in Radix Web Console. However, as most of you will be aware of, new vulnerabilities are discovered all the time and can exist in the image deployed to Radix.
The scan of all images in Radix will now be done on a regular basis, and the is reported in the environment page.
2022-04-28 Improved/simpler egress rules configuration
Egress rules have been simplified. A new field allowRadix
can be set to allow or deny traffic to other Radix applications.
If you use the built-in Oauth2 feature, it is no longer necessary to allow traffic to login.microsoftonline.com.
Docs now recommend using Private Link to get static IP address to Azure databases or other SaaS for use in egress rules
2022-04-12 Static ingress IPs
The Radix clusters now have static ingress IP ranges.
This information can be found on the ℹ️ information page on the applicable Radix Web Console.
2022-03-11 Custom configuration of the Metrics endpoint
You can now specify a custom port and path for monitoring.
Specifying monitoring path and port is now supported for application components in Radix. Read the radixconfig.yaml reference entry for details.
2022-02-28 Support for egress rules
Network egress rules are now supported for application environments in Radix. Read the radixconfig.yaml reference entry for details, and read the guide for limitations, tips and usage patterns.
Implement egress rules with caution!
Applications may break if egress rules inadvertently block required resources.
2022-02-18 Build Pipeline steps
The sequence of steps performed in the build/deploy pipeline has been changed. This will reduce time to deploy and new builds.
To achieve this the scan of the deployment was moved to the end of the workflow, allowing deployment before the scan is completed.
2022-02-07 Job manager: Configure time limit for jobs
To control running jobs, it is now possible to configrue a maximum time limit a job should is allowed to run.
Specify "timeLimitSeconds" in job payload or in radixconfig.yaml.
A job exceeding the specified limit will be stopped automatically.
2022-02-01 Support for Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault secrets, certificates and keys can be used in Radix as secrets. Once configured, they are available in replicas of Radix application as environment variables and files.
Read more about this in radixconfig.yaml and Azure Key Vaults guide.
2022-02-01 Built-in configuration for OAuth2 authorization
Radix provides built-in configuration for adding OAuth2 authorization with OIDC to the component. Common oauth2
settings can be configured at component level and/or in the component's environmentConfig
section. When OAuth2 is configured for a component, Radix creates an OAuth2 service (using OAuth2 Proxy) to handle the OAuth2 authorization code flow, and to verify the authorization state of incoming requests to the component.
Read more in the OAuth section in radixconfig.yaml documentation and the OAuth guide.
2022-01-11 Changes to validation of radixconfig
Two new validation rules now apply to radixconfig.
- Component ports lower than 1024 are prohibited.
- Environment variables prefixed with RADIX_ or RADIXOPERATOR_ are prohibited.
2021-12-09 Active cluster IPs as environment variable
The IPs actively assigned the the cluster of which an application is deployed to are now added to the Radix environment variable RADIX_ACTIVE_CLUSTER_EGRESS_IPS. This environment variable contains a list of IPs which are used for outgoing traffic from the cluster and is added to every component.
2021-11-23 Cluster IPs
Cluster IPs are now visible in the About Pages
in Radix Web Console.
2021-11-18 Radix Slack Alerts
We have released a new feature in Radix for sending alerts to Slack if a pipeline job fails, or a component or job fails to start or crashes/restarts (e.g. due to insufficient memory, unhandled exceptions etc.).
Read the documentation, on how to configure alerting for your application.
PS! The alert GUI in Radix web console is still "work in progress". We're working with EDS to make it more aligned with the EDS design standard.
2021-10-29 New design: Radix documentation (Public site)
The Radix documentation site has now been updated to a brand new version with a new design. And last but not least, now also with a SEARCH function.
The most used page - radixconfig.yaml reference can be easily located under the Reference heading.
2021-10-14 Radix CLI version v1.0.7
A new version of the Radix CLI is now available.
Version v1.0.7
2021-09-09 New Radix Web Console
New design
The Radix Web Console has been redesigned in all its glory in accordance with the EDS Design Guidelines. This includes a more responsive design, new colors, new navigation, collapsable menus, icons, fonts and more!
Improved vulnerability scanning
The results from the vulnerability scanning running on all components deployed to Radix are now visualized in the Pipeline Job page as a count of Critical, High, Medium and Low severity. The details of each vulnerabilities can be inspected in the Vulnerability page. This scanning is now performed by Snyk (due to rate limits in Trivy scans)
Vulnerability scanning - more information
Users now have the ability to favourite their most precious applications! (We all have at least one 😉)
The new favourites section can be found at the top of the Applications page, making it easier to get an overview of what's important to you amongst the ever increasing list of available applications.
Favourites are local and stored in the browser cache.
Environment variables
Environment variables can now be overridden from the Radix Web Console. Previously users would have to make changes to their radixconfig.yaml
file and redeploy it to change the value of environment variables.
Note that you will need to restart the component, or for jobs a new job should be started, for your changes to take effect.
Environment variables documentation
Performance improvement
The Applications page can now load up to 5x faster than before. Due to the increase in the number of applications, the load time of the Applications page had become way too long (due to the chain of Kubernetes queries needed to determine which applications a user have access to). With this improvement the page loads in a few seconds. Future improvements will be considered if/when needed.
2021-09-01 Radix Security Policy: Enforce 'Run as non-root'
As you may know, Docker containers have root privileges enabled by default. This is unnecessary and can introduce security risks and vulnerabilities into your applications. The policy will technically configure the PodSecurityContext for your application.
From now on every time you (build and) deploy your app, Radix will not allow applications to run as root. If you have not configured the app correctly, an error will be logged in Events (Events section can be found in the Environments page). The new image will not be deployed and the previous image will remain running.
If by any circumstance the pod running your app restarts, for instance due to lack of required memory, all applications running on it will also be restarted. Any app not complying with the Security Policy will not be started.
Security – running as non-root
2021-06-22 Support for files in Azure blob container
The Blobfuse FlexVolume driver has been deprecated by Microsoft. Radix has decided to replace it with the Azure Blob Storage CSI driver (particularly azure-storage-fuse), which is the recommended option.
FlexVolume will be supported in Radix during transition periods for projects that still uses it.
Volume mounts documentation
- environment: dev
- type: azure-blob
name: storage-name
storage: blob-container-name
path: /app/image-storage
uid: 1000
For those who have used the FlexVolume driver: the container
property is deprecated, being replaced by the storage
property to specify a blobs container name.
2021-06-16 Pipeline job status badges
We have added support for generating badges that shows the status of the latest Radix Pipeline Job for a specific job type, environment and application. A common place to add a status badge is in the README.md file of your repository, but it can be added to any web page you'd like.
Read more about Pipeline Badges here: Pipeline Badge
2021-06-07 Support for ClientCertificate authentication
We have added support for ClientCertificates, which can be configured for a component or a specific environment.
Read more about ClientCertificates here: ClientCertificate
2021-04-19 Running on-demand jobs in Radix
A job is an on-demand and short lived container/process that performs a set of tasks, e.g. a ML training job or an ETL job, and exits when it's done. The duration of a job can span from seconds to hours, depending on what tasks it performs, but it is expected to exit when it has completed the work. Multiple jobs can be created and running simultaneously.
CPU, GPU and memory resources requested by a job are reserved when it starts, and released when it ends. This will help reduce the total cost for an application since cost is only calculated for running containers.
You define jobs in the radixconfig.yaml file in your repo, similar to how you define components.
Jobs are started and monitored through a job-scheduler web API, created by Radix for each job defined in radixconfig.yaml The OpenAPI/Swagger definition for the job-scheduler can be downloaded here, and you can use https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator to generate clients for your preferred language.
Read more about jobs here: Configure Jobs
2021-03-22 Regenerate webhook secret and deploy key
To support the lifecycle managment of applications, it is now possible to update the webhook secret and the deploy key for the integration from Radix to the GitHub repo.
To get a brand new secret and key use the "Regenerate deploy key and webhook secret" button in the Application Configuration area in the Radix Web Console.
2021-01-13 Radix Web Console: Indication of outdated image
You will now be alerted on the Applications page if there is anything wrong with the running components on your application. A warning icon will now be present on the environment card on the Applications page if any of the active components are failing.
The icon is a small exclamation mark next to the component name. To get more information on what is wrong you can hover over the icon. There is also a new warning label stating 'Outdated image' on the Environments page under 'Active components'.
This label will appear when your running component is using an old image and typically happens when the latest deployment causes the new component to be unable to start, or the readiness probe is unable to reach it.
In the transition right after a deployment, the Outdated image label will appear. Once the new replicas have started this will be replaced with the Ok label.
2021-01-12 Radix Web Console: Events available
Kubernetes events related to application environments are now displayed in the Environments page, below Previous deployments.
These events can be helpful when diagnosing application issues, e.g. recurring crashes/restarts or incorrect port configurations.
Events are sorted descending by the time the event occurred. There are two types of events; Normal and Warning.
- Normal events are informational messages related to resources in the application environment, e.g. creating, starting, stopping and deleting containers, pulling images, syncing ingresses etc. Warning events are logged when there is a problem with a resource in the application environment, eg. backoff (container crashing/restarting), readiness probe failure (container not listening on defined port), missing secrets etc.
- Warnings are usually related to issues with containers running in pods. If/when the cause of a pod related warning is resolved, e.g. the readiness probe receives a response on the defined port or a crashed container restarts, the warning will be flagged as Resolved. Warnings that reference pods from an old deployment will be flagged as Obsolete. Events older than one hour are delete from the list. A Warning event will remain in the list as long as it is not Resolved or Obsolete.
2020-12-16 Support for mounting external storage in app containers
We have added support for mounting Blob Containers from Azure Storage Accounts to applications hosted in Radix.
The current implementation uses the Blobfuse FlexVolume Driver.
This driver will most likely be replaced by the Blob CSI Driver, which was in preview when development started.
Blob storage is available in both Radix Playground and Radix Platform.