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Sub-pipeline example: Pipeline with environment variables

Source code for this example.

  • In the Radix application repository create a folder tekton. This folder need to be in the configuration branch and in the same folder, where radixconfig.yaml file is located (by default it is a root of the repository).

  • The sub-pipeline in this example runs one task.

  • Create a file env-vars-list-task.yaml for the task env-vars-list. This task has one step "show-env-vars-list", which runs in the container with Alpine Linux.

    • The step runs a script with one command printenv | grep 'VAR' - show a list of the step's container environment variables, with names containing "VAR".
    • The task has input parameters in the field params
    • The task step has description of environment variables in the field env, which will be created in the step's container. These environment variables can get values from parameters, referencing to them with $(params.PARAM_NAME) or explicitly set with a value.
    • In the task below - there is parameters with names VAR1T, VAR2T, VAR3T (names not necessary have to be in capital letters).
      • Actual parameter values are set in the sub-pipeline, which use the task, like arguments of a method in programming languages
      • VAR1T - this parameter does not have default value, so it has to be set in the sub-pipeline, otherwise there will be an error "missing parameters". When type of a parameter is not set, it is a string.
      • VAR2T, VAR3T, VAR4T, VAR5T - these parameters have default values. Field default allows to specify a value, used when the param is not passed from a sub-pipeline. Available types are string and array. When type is string - default value should be put as a string value, when type is array - default value should be put as an array of items lead by a dash, an additional field type need to be set as array: type: array.
    kind: Task
    name: env-vars-list
    - name: VAR1T #it must be set in a sub-pipeline's task params, because it does not have default value
    - name: VAR2T #it can be set in a sub-pipeline's task params, if not - used default "not-set-var2-in-task"
    default: not-set-var2-in-task
    - name: VAR3T #it can be set in a sub-pipeline's task params, if not - used default "not-set-var3-in-task"
    default: not-set-var3-in-task
    - name: VAR4T #it can be set in a sub-pipeline's task params, if not - used default "not-set-var4-in-task"
    default: not-set-var4-in-task
    - name: VAR5T #it can be set in a sub-pipeline's task params, if not - used default "not-set-var5-in-task"
    default: not-set-var5-in-task
    - name: show-env-vars-list
    image: alpine
    - name: VAR1example
    value: $(params.VAR1T) #set by parameter VAR1T
    - name: VAR2example
    value: $(params.VAR2T) #set by parameter VAR2T
    - name: VAR3example
    value: $(params.VAR3T) #set by parameter VAR3T
    - name: VAR4example
    value: $(params.VAR4T) #set by parameter VAR4T
    - name: VAR5example
    value: $(params.VAR5T) #set by parameter VAR5T
    - name: VAR6example
    value: "value6" #set explicitly with the value "value6"
    script: |
    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    printenv | grep 'VAR'
  • Create a file pipeline.yaml. Add a task in the tasks list: give it a name (it can be any name, unique within this sub-pipeline), in the property taskRef ("reference to a task") put the value from the property of the task, created above:

kind: Pipeline
name: pipeline-example-with-env-vars
- name: VAR1 #it must be set in the radixconfig.yaml
- name: VAR2 #it can be set in the radixconfig.yaml, if not - used default "not-set-var2"
default: not-set-var2
- name: VAR3 #it can be set in the radixconfig.yaml, if not - used default "not-set-var3"
default: not-set-var3
- name: show-env-vars #name of the task "env-vars-list" in this sub-pipeline
- name: VAR1T #set by parameter VAR1, from the radixconfig.yaml
value: $(params.VAR1)
- name: VAR2T #set by parameter VAR2, from the radixconfig.yaml or used default "not-set-var2"
value: $(params.VAR2)
- name: VAR3T #set by parameter VAR3, not set in the radixconfig.yaml - used default "not-set-var3"
value: $(params.VAR3)
- name: VAR4T #set explicitly with the value "value4"
value: value4
name: env-vars-list #task name

In Tekton documentation and examples params items have fields value and default, assigned directly with strings, not with objects, which is not correspond to the API specification. Currently, Radix strictly follows thes specification.

  • File structure can be like this:
├── tekton/
│ ├── pipeline.yaml
│ └── env-vars-list-task.yaml
└── radixconfig.yaml
  • In the file radixconfig.yaml add a field build with sub-field variables within the subPipeline option. Values of these variables will be passed to the sub-pipeline parameters, which have the same name:
    • VAR1 - mandatory variable, passed to the sub-pipeline's parameter VAR1
    • VAR2 - optional variable, passed to the sub-pipeline's parameter VAR2. If it does not exist in the radixconfig.yaml, the sub-pipeline parameter VAR2 will get a value, specified in its default field.
    • VAR100 - unnecessary variable, not used in the sub-pipeline, it will be not passed to the sub-pipeline parameters.
VAR1: value1 #it must be set, as it is expected by the sub-pipeline
VAR2: value2 #it can be set, if it does not exist - the sub-pipeline will set default value
VAR100: value100 #it is not used in the sub-pipeline and its tasks

This sub-pipeline runs the task show-env-vars (which reference to the task env-vars-list described in the file env-vars-list-task.yaml), which has one step, as described above. This step run a script, printing environment variables, which names contain text VAR

#!/usr/bin/env sh
printenv | grep 'VAR'

First line of the script is shebang. It is recommended to use for consistent script behaviour. It can refer to a default shell sh or to a specific shell, existing in the step's image distribution, like bash for Ubuntu:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
  • Commit changes in the repository. Look at the details of a started Radix pipeline job (if the Radix app is connected to the GitHub WebHook, otherwise - start a job manually).

  • Navigate to the Radix pipeline step "Run pipeline", when it is running or completed: the pipelines overview page shows a table with a list of sub-pipelines - in this example it is one sub-pipeline "pipeline-example-with-env-vars", running for an environment "dev", and the sub-pipeline status. Sub-pipeline list

  • Navigate to the sub-pipeline (click on its name in the table row)

  • The sub-pipeline overview page shows a table with a list of this sub-pipeline's tasks - in this example it is one task "env-vars-list", and the task status. Sub-pipeline tasks

  • Navigate to the task (click on its name in the table row)

  • The sub-pipeline task overview page shows a table with a list of this task's steps - in this example it is one step "show-env-vars-list", the step status and log. Sub-pipeline task steps The log shows environment variables of the step container:

    • VAR1example and VAR2example - these variables are set with values from the radixconfig.yaml, field build.variables. None of other task step environment variables are set in the radixconfig.yaml.
    VAR1: value1
    VAR2: value2
    • VAR3example - this variable gets its default value fom sub-pipeline's params field
    - name: VAR3
    default: not-set-var3
    • VAR4example - this variable is set explicitly in the sub-pipeline, in the task params
    - name: show-env-vars
    - name: VAR4T
    value: value4
    • VAR5example - this variable is not defined in the sub-pipeline's task params, it is set to its default value, specified in the task
    - name: VAR5T #it can be set in a sub-pipeline's task params, if not - used default "not-set-var5-in-task"
    default: not-set-var5-in-task
    • VAR6example - this variable is not defined in the sub-pipeline's task params and task's params, it is set implicitly in the task step's field env
    - env:
    - name: VAR6example
    value: "value6"

    radixconfig to pipeline Pipeline to task