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Radix CLI


Radix CLI is an application to execute commands for getting information, creating a Radix application or pipeline jobs, setting values of secrets, start and stop Radis components and other operations, described below. The Radix CLI, available for multiple platforms, it can be downloaded from the GitHub repository.


Radix CLI can be installed and run from your local PC, as a Docker container, or in CI workflows, like GitHub actions.

Commands can be executed towards all Radix cluster, either by setting the --context flag when executing a command, or by configuring the default context. platform is used if no context is specified.

Set the default context:

rx set context --context playground

Check the current context:

rx get context

Run on a local PC

Install Radix CLI locally by following the installation instructions in the Radix CLI GitHub repository.

To start working with Radix CLI you must first login:

rx login

After successful login, you can start executing commands.

To clean up the login data, logout from the Radix:

rx logout

Radix CLI uses Radix API to execute operations. An option verbose can be used to get more details about requests and responses to and from the Radix CLI:

rx create pipeline-job deploy -a your-app-name -e dev --verbose

Run in CI workflow

Custom continuous integration tool like Jenkins or GitHub Action can use Radix CLI with an access token with following options:

  • --token-environment - Take the token from environment variable APP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN
  • --token-stdin - Take the token from stdin

Radix CLI can be used with help of the GitHub Action equinor/radix-github-actions.

More details can be found in guidelines and examples:


To find out which commands are available - run rx and add one of commands in the list "Available Commands": create, delete, get, etc.

Run the rx with one of commands and add another command from the list "Available Commands". Example: rx get, which you can use with addition commands application, context, etc.: rx get platform. This way all available sub-commands and options can be found without documentation.

Scope can be specified for most commands:

  • Radix cluster - all applications, available to the logged-in user on selected cluster ("context")
  • Radix application
  • environment of a Radix application
  • component of a Radix application environment


Register application

  • Register (create) a new Radix application. Deploy key will be returned as a response - it can be put to the repository's "Deploy keys" to give the Radix access to an internal or a private repository.
    rx create application --application your-application-name --repository --config-branch main --ad-groups abcdef-1234-5678-9aaa-abcdefgf --shared-secret someSecretPhrase12345 --configuration-item "YOUR PROJECT CONFIG ITEM" --context playground

Deploy pipeline job

  • Create a new "deploy only" pipeline job. An optional argument --follow(-f) allows to watch the log of the job
    rx create pipeline-job deploy --application your-app-name --environment dev --follow
    rx create pipeline-job deploy -a your-app-name -e dev -f

An option job of commands create, get logs is replaced with pipeline-job. It will be supported for backward compatibility.

  • Create a new "deploy only" pipeline job with specified image tags. When radixconfig.yaml contains image option with dynamic imageTagName, this imageTagName can be altered in the Radix CLI create pipeline-job deploy command option image-tag-name. This option will override values defined in the radixconfig.yaml and can be defined for multiple components in the command. image-tag-name, provided as an option in the command rx create pipeline-job deploy is shown in the Radix pipeline orchestration job log. Component names that does not exist within the Radix application environment will be ignored.
    rx create pipeline-job deploy --application your-app-name --environment dev --image-tag-name web-app=stable-123 --image-tag-name api=1.22.0
    rx create pipeline-job deploy -a your-app-name -e dev -t web-app=stable-123 -t api=1.22.0
  • Specify commitID to provide reference to a corresponding commit in the Radix console.
    rx create pipeline-job deploy --application your-app-name --environment dev --commitID 019e0d411de667dff6952852e03b4a38b0a689c3
  • Specify component to deploy when only specific component need to be deployed. Multiple components can be specified. Other components, if exist in the environment, will not be re-deployed, keeping their commitID and gitTag, environment variables, secrets, etc., their replicas will not be restarted.
    rx create pipeline-job deploy --application your-app-name --environment dev --component web-app
    rx create pipeline-job deploy -a your-app-name -e dev --component web-app --component api-server --commitID 019e0d411de667dff6952852e03b4a38b0a689c3

Build and deploy pipeline job

  • Create a new "build and deploy" pipeline job
    rx create pipeline-job build-deploy -a your-app-name --branch main
    Optional argument --use-build-cache=true|false can override the radixconfig option useBuildCache

Promote pipeline job

  • Promote active deployment in one environment to another:
    rx create pipeline-job promote --application your-app-name --from-environment dev --to-environment prod --use-active-deployment
  • Promote active deployment in one environment to another:
    rx create pipeline-job promote --application your-app-name --from-environment dev --to-environment prod --use-active-deployment

Manage pipeline jobs

  • Restart failed or stopped pipeline job:
    rx restart pipeline-job --application your-app-name --job radix-pipeline-20231019122020-mhwif
  • Get list of pipeline jobs for a Radix application. jq helps to filter returned json output
    rx get application -a your-app-name | jq -r '.jobs'


  • Get log of a Radix application component. Each log line will be prefixed with a name of the replica, which sent it
    rx get logs component -a your-app-name --environment your-env-name --component your-component-name
  • Get log of all Radix application in an environment
    rx get logs environment -a your-app-name --environment your-env-name
  • Get previous (terminated) container log of a Radix application component. This may help to indicate why the container was restarted. These logs are not always available as the Kubernetes node, where the pod with this container was running on, may have been removed or restarted.
    rx get logs component --application your-app-name --environment your-env-name --component your-component-name --previous
    rx get logs component -a your-app-name -e your-env-name --component your-component-name -p

Start, stop, restart

  • Stop, Scale, reset or restart a Radix application component
    rx stop component --application your-app-name --environment your-env-name --component your-component-name # does the same as scale to 0 replicas
    rx scale component -a your-app-name -e your-env-name --component your-component-name --replicas 5 # Allowed values: 0 - 20
    rx scale component -a your-app-name -e your-env-name --component your-component-name --reset # reset manually scaled or stopped component
    rx restart component -a your-app-name -e your-env-name --component your-component-name

    # Depreceated: replaced by `rx scale component -a your-app-name -e your-env-name -n your-component-name --reset`
    rx start -a your-app-name -e your-env-name -n your-component-name
  • Stop, start or restart all components in a Radix application environment
    rx stop environment --application your-app-name --environment your-env-name
    rx start environment -a your-app-name --environment your-env-name
    rx restart environment -a your-app-name -e your-env-name
  • Stop, start or restart all components in all Radix application environments
    rx stop application --application your-app-name
    rx start application -a your-app-name
    rx restart application -a your-app-name

Scale replicas

  • Scale up or down Radix application component replicas. Allowed values between "0" and "20" (value "0" is an equivalent of the command rx stop). Scaling can be useful for tuning the resource configuration to figure out what amount of replicas affect performance of an application and particular need of CPU and memory.
    rx scale component --application your-app-name --environment your-env-name --component web-app --replicas 2
    rx scale component --application your-app-name --environment your-env-name --component web-app --reset

    This scale will persist after re-deployment, so remember to reset the component when you are finished.
    After reset, scaled component gets replicas specified in the radixconfig.yaml, "1" if not specified, or set by horizontal scaling

Manage components

  • Set a value of a component secret (runtime secret)
    rx set environment-secret -a your-app-name -e your-env-name --component your-component-name -s CLIENT_ID -v qtrty-1234-5678-9aaa-abcdefgf
  • Set a value of a component environment variable (runtime environment variable)
    rx set environment-variable -a your-app-name -e your-env-name --component your-component-name --variable LOG_LEVEL --value DEBUG
  • Set certificate and private key from files or string literals
    rx set external-dns-tls --application myapp --environment prod --component web --alias --certificate-from-file "cert.crt" --private-key-from-file "cert.key"